Thursday, 11 April 2019

Postdoctoral fellowship in a project called “Co-evolution of metacaspase structure and biological function in Arabidopsis”

Metacaspases in Arabidopsis and poplar

This fellowship is a part of a 5-year project, supported by Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation, aiming to advance our mechanistic understanding of metacaspase family proteases. The project will develop through a close cooperation between five research groups located in Uppsala BioCenter at SLU and UmeĆ„ University, possessing complementary expertise in biochemistry, structural biology, drug design and plant cell and developmental biology. The successf…


Monday, 8 April 2019

Potential Research Fellows

Potential Research Fellows
The Department of Biochemistry in Cambridge is seeking to host early career researchers who have the ambition to start an independent research group facilitated by an external fellowship.
The Department has more than 40 research groups ( with interests that fall broadly into the following areas:
Chemical Biology and Drug Design, Disease Biology, DNA and Chromatin Biology, Molecular Microbiology, Plant Biochemistry and Bioenergy, RNA Biology, …


Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Editor-in-Chief of Medicinal Chemistry Research

Editor-in-Chief of Medicinal Chemistry Research

Springer Nature announces an exciting opportunity for an exceptional candidate to serve as Editor-in-Chief of Medicinal Chemistry Research.

Medicinal Chemistry Research is a journal for the prompt disclosure of novel experimental achievements in the many facets of drug design, drug discovery, and the elucidation of mechanisms of action of biologically active compounds. Articles are sought which emphasize research in chemical biological …
