Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Ph.D. Student Position - Gachon University, South Korea

An applicant must have master degree or close to receiving in the field of computer-aided drug design or informatics/computational chemistry. 
He/she must be self motivated, dedicated and passionate for the research. 
In addition, he/she must possess proof of English language proficiency. 
Familiarity with programming languages would be an advantage. 
An ideal candidate need to have background and interests in chemistry, biology and molecular modeling.
An ideal candidate can enjoy collaboration with synthetic chemists, biologists, and computer scientists 

The duration for completion of degree will be 4 years. 
In order to complete the degree, an applicant needs to publish more than 2 SCI/SCIE level research publications. 
Candidate can choose to work mote interesting among molecular modeling jobs. 

Linux (CENTOS, REDHAT) & window machines 
Schrodinger, Sybyl, OpenEye, Gromacs, Modeller, Knime, R
Interested candidates should contact me directly by email with their credentials:
- Cover letter explaining research interests and motivation
- A detailed CV mentioning English proficiency 
- Publication details, if any
- Scanned copies of transcript and all other documents
- Skype based interview or direct meeting if an applicant is in Korea.
- Applicants with MS can have research experience in Korea before entrance

Kim Mi-hyun, Ph.D
Assistant Professor at 
College of Pharmacy, Gachon University, 
155 Gaetbeol-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon city, 406-840, South Korea
Email; kmh0515@gachon.ac.kr

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