Monday, 1 August 2011

(PhD candidate) in molecular computational chemistry: Bergen, NORWAY

The Department of Chemistry has a vacancy for a research fellow in molecular computational chemistry and spectroscopy for three years within the project ”Nano-solvation in Hydrogen-Bonded Clusters”. A description of the position including details of the subject areas and areas of responsibility, special duties and other circumstances given special emphasis in connection with the position is available on the following web-address:


The research project is supported by the Research Council of Norway and is devoted to provide fundamental insight to how ions, molecules and acids/bases are solvated in nano-sized droplets of water, methanol and other hydrogen-bonded liquids, and involves a close collaboration between Department of Chemistry at the University of Oslo (UiO) and Department of Chemistry at the University of Bergen (UiB). One PhD student and one postdoctoral fellow will be recruited to the project during 2011. The PhD student recruited here will participate in electron-spectroscopy studies at the MAX-lab facility in Lund. The PhD student will have extended research stays at MAX-lab and at the University of Uppsala to develop experimental skills. Analysis of the spectra is a main activity and a main source to information about the solvation processes. The second and dominant component of the PhD project involves testing and validating computational methods, followed by large-scale production calculations to model the systems studied experimentally. Applicants must have achieved a master’s degree or equivalent in chemistry, physics or bordering fields, or have submitted their master thesis for assessment by the application deadline. It is a prerequisite, however, that the formal admission requirements for the PhD programme are met before appointment can be made. Candidates should have a strong background in computational chemistry (molecular modelling and/or quantum chemistry) and an interest for developing experimental skills in cluster-beam technology and electron spectroscopy, whereas some background from experimental physical chemistry is also desirable. Experience from programming or high-vacuum experiments is an advantage. The research fellow must take part in the University's approved PhD programme leading to the degree within a time limit of 3 years. Application for admission to the PhD programme, including a project plan outline for the training module, will be worked out in collaboration with a supervisor. The fellowship period may be reduced if the successful applicant has held previous employment as research fellow. More information about the position can be obtained by contacting professor Knut J. Børve, phone +47 55 58 33 65 / e-mail: The teaching language will normally be Norwegian. State employment shall reflect the multiplicity of the population at large to the highest possible degree. The University of Bergen has therefore adopted a personnel policy objective to ensure that we achieve a balanced age and sex composition and the recruitment of persons of various ethnic backgrounds. Persons of different ethnic backgrounds are therefore encouraged to apply for the position.


Starting salary on grade 48 (code 1017/pay framework 20.8) in the Civil Service pay grade table scale; currently NOK 391,300 gross p.a.; following ordinary meriting regulations.

Additional Job Details

Send electronic application, CV, certificates, diplomas, and any scholarly works by clicking on the button marked "APPLY FOR THIS JOB" on this page. The application should include a brief statement of the applicant's motivation for applying. Applications sent by e-mail to random individuals at the department will not be considered. Closing date for applications: 12 August 2011 Quote reference number: 2011/7582

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