Friday, 19 August 2011

PhD Position: Simulation Studies of DNA-Damage and Repair

PhD position on Molecular Simulation Studies of DNA-Damage and Repair
at Physics Department T38, Technical University Munich, Germany 
A PhD position (funded by DFG:SFB749) is available in the Theoretical 
Biophysics group (chair: Prof. Martin Zacharias) at Technical University 
Munich to start immediately. 
DNA molecules in cells are frequently damaged by radiation or chemical
modification. The recognition and repair of damaged DNA is of fundamental 
importance for the survival of cells and for preventing transformation into 
malignant (cancer) cells. Aim of the project is to elucidate the mechanism 
of specific recognition of damaged DNA by repair enzymes at atomic detail 
using molecular simulation techniques. The work involves molecular dynamics 
simulations and advanced sampling applications as well as ligand-receptor 
docking simulations. The computational work will be performed in close 
collaboration with experimental groups in the area of structural biopolgy 
and biophysics.

Successful candidates should have a diploma or master degree in either 
physics, biophysics or physical chemistry combined with a strong interest 
in (bio)molecular simulations. Experience with the Linux operating system 
and a programming language is a plus. 
The Technical University Munich belongs to the scientific top addresses
and is one of the nine Universities of Excellence in the Federal Republic 
of Germany. State-of-the-art computer equipment is available. Please 
contact Prof. Zacharias (martin.zacharias*o* or send your CV and 
cover letter describing your research interests including the addresses 
of two referees to:

Prof. Dr. Martin Zacharias
Chair of Theoretical Biophysics
Physics Department T38
Technical University Munich
James-Franck-Str. 1
D-85748 Garching, Germany

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